The WOLF Guild
"For the Strength of the Wolf is the Pack and the Strength of the Pack is the Wolf"
A Guild in the online game: The Kingdom of Drakkar
About WOLF
History of the WOLF Guild
The following history may have some inaccuracies in it due to Godspeed’s “cloudy” memory 😉
The original members of WOLF came from the KLRZ Guild and the MoY Guild in the early days of IEN. They formed a new guild called SV (The Shadow Vipers). Those members were Firehawk, Darkblade, Godspeed, Liza, Rosament, Warlord, Mystery, and Vanfanel. The guild grew to an active roster of 20+ members.
However, an internal dispute led to some members of SV leaving and forming a new guild… WOLF. The founding members of WOLF are Godspeed, Darkblade, Hera, Liza, Rosament, and Warlord. After WOLF was created, its ranks swelled considerably. WOLF reputedly had over 35+ active members at the height of its glory. The WOLF channel in IRC was the place to be for anyone who wanted to party up for some skilling or lair killing.
Time went by however and many of the members’ personal lives reared up and took them away from the game. The guild began to shrink, and then the leaders of WOLF (Darkblade and Godspeed) also had to take an absence for personal reasons. WOLF sputtered on for a time, the bonds of friendship holding the guild together.
Then, in the summer of 2002 WOLF was approached by several players who were looking to form a guild of their own. WOLF needed new blood and the new players were enthusiastic and fresh and eager to make something of themselves and their guild. An agreement was reached and the new guild (we didn’t have a name yet) merged with WOLF. Darkblade and Godspeed were virtually inactive and did not foresee being able to come back to active status anytime soon, so they passed tag rights onto Stormwind. Godspeed has managed to return occasionally and stink up the den. Sadly Darkblade has yet to return.
Since then, WOLF has slowly grown in numbers and in power. As with any guild, our ranks ebb and flow as people’s personal lives take them away or sweep them back, but we have managed to survive where larger and more powerful guilds have folded completely. We have some grudging respect amongst the population and we do our best to advance on our own steam. It is sometimes a painful and amusing journey, but always worthwhile with our good friends.
In March of 2005, WOLF was dealt a devastating blow. Arize_WOLF (Warlord), beloved husband of Xera (Rosament), founding member of WOLF, and a great friend passed away. We shall always remember you buddy and you are missed terribly.
WOLF Guild Members
Past and Present